Have you been thrown into the deep end, teaching secondary school mathematics but not so confident in the content yourself? Unfortunately, maths teacher numbers are dwindling and this shortage leads to many untrained teachers finding themselves faced with having to teach something that isn't within their comfort zones. Say "goodbye" to Imposter Syndrome, and "hello" to the MAV Building Teacher Capacity Program - a professional learning OnDemand program open to all secondary teachers who would like extra support with the Years 7-10A mathematics curriculum. This program is targeted at upskilling out-of-field teachers, teachers who are new to the profession and regional and rural teachers who may not readily have access to professional learning.
Divided into 12 content areas, the focus of our program is for teachers to:
- understand the key concepts and key ideas students need to take away from the particular content area.
- understand the ways in which students can make meaningful connections that lead to those learnings.
- discover the most common misconceptions students harbour.
- learn how to overcome those misconceptions, and not accidentally introduce new ones!
- discover resources and tools to help teach these concepts.
We are very excited to invite your school to participate in this new and innovative program.
- Free for all government secondary school mathematics teachers.
- $990 per non-government school (individual)
- $3000 per non-government school (all staff)
Delivered by subject matter experts. Funded by the Victorian Department of Education.