The MAV's Constitution was adopted by the May 2023 AGM.
Download the Constitution here.
5.1 Objects
(a) The Objects of the Company are to assist and advance education in mathematics, and to promote the importance and value of mathematics in society. The Company will pursue these Objects through a range of activities and services including, but not limited to, a focus on:
- supporting the development of a professional community of teachers, educators, and mathematicians, for the purpose of advancing mathematical education;
- promoting the importance and value of mathematics and the mathematical sciences in the wider community;
- providing professional learning for mathematics educators through events, conferences and publications;
- developing and promoting resources to facilitate the improvement of, and best practice in, teaching and learning of mathematics;
- establishing connections with and between educational institutions, students, parents and carers, cultural institutions, government and government bodies, industry and the wider community for the advancement of mathematics and the mathematical sciences, mathematical education, and educational research and investigation;
- undertaking advocacy and representation, to advance education in mathematics to society and key stakeholders, and to support the improvement of mathematics education and mathematics teaching; and
- anything ancillary to the Objects referred to in clauses 5.1(a)(i) to 5.1(a)(vi).
First Nations Commitment Statement from the Mathematics Associations of Australia
Child Safety and Protection
MAV is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. The MAV has zero tolerance for child abuse.
MAV is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Particular attention will be paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability.
Every person involved in MAV has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.
Further information can be found here:
- MAV Child Safe Statement of Commitment
- MAV Child Safe Policy and Procedures
- MAV Child Safety Code of Conduct
Whistle-Blower Policy
MAV is committed to a culture of corporate compliance and high ethical behaviour. This policy deals with certain issues relating to misconduct, malpractice, internal controls and conflicts of interest to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to the Company and its employees, and to deal with concerns that are likely to arise in the work environment. This policy applies to all employees, Board members and volunteers of the Company.
Complaints Handling Policy
This policy is intended to ensure that MAV handles complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively. This policy applies to all staff (paid and volunteer), contractors and our governing body, receiving or managing complaints from the public and clients made to or about us, regarding our products, services, membership and staff, or our complaint handling process.
This version of the policy is for public information. MAV has a more detailed policy and procedure for effective implementation.
Recording policy
By attending an event organised by The Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV), you acknowledge that you may be photographed, filmed or recorded while at the event, and consent to such activities and the future use by the MAV of any photos, images or recordings. You may request to opt out of this photography, filming or recording, but we may not be able to accommodate your request in some instances.
Manual Handling Guide
The guide is for volunteers, in order to reduce risk of injury by undertanding safer manual handling when completeing tasks.
Volunteer Code of Conduct
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to articulate the standards of conduct which are required of volunteers working for MAV. This will assist all volunteers to understand clearly the expectations of them as well as their responsibilities and obligations. All volunteers must undertake a volunteer induction. Please contact a representative at MAV or email us at for more information.
Volunteer Code of Conduct Policy
Community Code of Conduct
Our community code of conduct is a valuable tool for your interaction within the MAV Community and ensures a good experience for everyone involved. We have established the following agreement to apply to our shared experiences and networks. Joining and using this community means you have read and agree with our values.
If you are a member of our online community platform, you can access our code of conduct here.