The Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series: Maths Games Days
REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! Bookings can be made through our events page.
MAV is excited to be running maths games days to be delivered across the state as part of The Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series.
- VCES Games Days are funded Victorian Department of Education and Training, and are only available to government schools in Victoria.
- Watch this video if you require assistance with registering. WATCH HERE
MAV will deliver a series of Mathematics Games days for students from Yr 5 to 10. These will be delivered across the state, in metropolitan and regional schools.
Each region will host a separate Yr 5/6, 7/8 and 9/10 event.
The aim of this program is to challenge high ability students in a fun, challenging, collaborative and competitive mathematics-based games day.
Teams of students compete for a variety of prizes including individual prizes for creativity, contribution to group work, and lucky door prizes. Lateral thinking wins the day!
A Maths Games Day is an opportunity for students to;
- apply and develop their mathematical talents and thinking skills in a setting where Maths is regarded as fun and worthwhile;
- work with like-minded high ability students from a diverse range of schools;
- participate in mathematical activities and games without the usual classroom pressures;
- work effectively in teams and develop strategies to work collaboratively to solve problems;
- enhance their problem-solving skills;
- get excited about mathematics, whilst being rewarded through prizes and awards.
Enrollment is only for high ability students in metropolitan and regional Victorian Government schools.
- Activities will be appropriately tailored to the needs of high-ability students.
- Activities will be free for participating schools and students.
- Bookings are now open and can be made through our events page.
Venues and dates:
- At all venues: Start time: 9.15am registation for 9:30am start, End time: 2.30pm
- Virtual days: Start time: 9:30am, End time: 1:30pm
School |
Term |
Date |
Mirboo North Primary School | 4, 2024 | Yr 5 & 6 - 16th Oct |
Mirboo North Secondary College | 4, 2024 |
Yr 7 & 8 - 17th Oct Yr 9 & 10 - 18th Oct |
Virtual Games Day | 4, 2024 | Yr 9 & 10 - 14th Oct |
Virtual Games Day | 4, 2024 | Yr 7 & 8 - 21st October |
Virtual Games Day | 4, 2024 | Yr 5 & 6 - 28th October |