Curriculum and resources

Explore curriculum planning and implementation and teaching and assessment resources.This page connects MAV members to some inspirational ideas developed by some of the ‘movers and shakers’ that the MAV are proud to be in partnership with.

It is place where you can explore curriculum planning and implementation and teaching and assessment resources.

If you have great resources to add to this page let us know at

MAV Teacher Tip Sheets

Success with number talksTop 5 Tips for teachers: Number Talks

A Number Talk is an opportunity for students to communicate mathematically, to learn from each other and to gain insight into an array of strategies used to solve problems.

Here are our tips for doing it well!

Top 5 Tips for teachers: Rich tasks through remote learning

Running rich and challenging tasks remotely that usually require collaboration and discussion can be a challenge, but it is possible!

Try these tips to help make your rich tasks engaging and meaningful.

Successful Warm-upsTop 5 Tips for teachers: Successful warm-ups

Warm-ups are used in the maths classroom to prime student thinking in preparation for a lesson. Warm-ups should be purposeful, easy to start and take ten minutes or less.

Make your warm-ups meaningful and engaging.

Authentic tasksTop 5 Tips for teachers: Authentic tasks

An authentic mathematical task will support building and extending important knowledge, skills and understandings, and develop productive dispositions towards mathematics.

Here are our top 5 tips for selecting these tasks.

Teaching Ideas and Resources

Lesson Plans

Victorian Lesson Plans | Mathematics

The Victorian Lesson Plans (VLPs) are classroom resources that support the teaching of Mathematics within the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 and are based on the revised Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM 2.0).
The VLPs are presented in an intentional sequence to ensure students have the knowledge and skills required for each new content area. While the VLPs cover the content descriptions included in the Mathematics learning area of the Victorian Curriculum 2.0, teachers should expect to need to revisit, review and practice the skills and knowledge taught over the course of the year to ensure mastery is developed.



Problemo, the AMT’s Teacher platform, has over 800 problems – low floor, high ceiling, wide wall problems that are curriculum aligned. Adam Spencer loves them! (Through the generosity of the AMT, MAV members been offered a limited time 20% discount for members who sign on for Problemo Teacher Plus or Schools Plus annual subscriptions. This offer is valid to 31 August 2022. To access your offer and receive your special code, please contact

DET Mathematics Learning Sequences Level 5 – 8

Plan, teach and assess with new learning sequences designed by teachers for teachers Sequences are ready to download, customise and use today:

Middle Years Maths Challenges (MYMC)

MYMV supports student engagement in middle years mathematics (Levels 5-9) and build teacher confidence and capability in teaching with the proficiencies. There are 15 challenges for each year level, including 2 challenges designed specifically for students below level. Funded by the Victorian Department of Education and Training, the MYMC were written in collaboration with the Mathematical Association of Victoria. Check them out here!

Flip, Make, Play

A resource written by Victorian DET for Early Years educators that includes 4 sets of double-sided cards that focus on concepts associated with number and early algebra, geometric visualisation, properties of shapes, position and location, measurement, and data reasoning. On this page, you will find a Teaching Guide and other related resources.

The Mathscots Animation Series

Join Prime, Poly, Buster and Chance, through The Mathscots animation series designed for levels Foundation to Year 2, by the Victorian DET. Building on the success of the series of episodes around maths in the real world, a teaching guide has now been developed in recognition of the value of the series as a teaching tool for the classroom and offers immersive learning experiences for each of the 10 stand-alone episodes.


Complete these STEM lessons based around basketball to inspire your students.

Love Maths

This collection of games is a quality resource that many primary schools have come to rely on, for both remote learning and face-to-face classroom work. All of the games have been selected because they are fun, filled with rich learning opportunities.

Nrich Maths Project

Mathematics resources for children, parents and teachers to enrich learning.

10 Lessons for Algorithmic Thinking

Check out these 10 great lessons for the Victorian Curriculum level 2 to 6.

Mathematics tasks centre

The Mathematics Tasks Centre is a world of alternatives to text-based learning.

Maths 300

MAV and AAMT support Maths 300, and we can help you with PL or implementing these great resources

Paul Swan

Dr Paul Swan produces an assortment of games, printables, planning ideas, videos and interactive materials to inspire maths teaching and learning.

Engaging Maths

Engaging Maths by Dr. Catherine Attard contains publications, classroom resources and terrific ideas for using digital technologies in maths.

Top Drawer

AAMT Top Drawer Teachers. Rummage through these drawers for expert advice, teaching suggestions, and classroom activities.


YouCubed. Growth-mindset maths based on the research of Professor Jo Boaler.


FUSE Maths contains interactive maths resources linked to the Victorian Curriculum.


We love these great resources for their accessible yet challenging tasks. See them here.

Math 4 Love

Did you see Dan Finkel as our keynote at MAV17? Check out his great resources at Math 4 Love.

Robert Kaplinsky

Here you will find some excellent support including resources and lessons to run. Check it out.

Hand out from Robert Kaplinsky's MAV Workshops. Printable_Intuition_Questions.

ABC Education

ABC Education is a repository of 300+ videos, activities and games to explore.

Mathematical Task Continuum

"Mathematical Task Continuum" as shared by Dr Nicola Yelland at here keynote at MAVCON23

Curriculum and Assessment Resources

Here is some great curriculum planning and assessment support.

Victorian Numeracy Portal

The Victorian numeracy portal brings together a range of resources, activities and programs from the Victorian Department of Education and Training. 

VCAA Curriculum area advice

Find a heap of support from VCAA here. Check back now and then for updates.

Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years (SNMY)

Teachers can use the materials and resources from the project in their classrooms to help scaffold numeracy and develop multiplicative thinking with their students.

Find out more here.


Assessment for Common Misunderstanding: assessment techniques that expose students thinking to help teachers scaffold student learning.  

Mathematics Curriculum Companion

This teacher guide provides advice, teaching ideas, and links to suitable FUSE resources to help you implement the Victorian curriculum.

National Numeracy Learning Progression

The numeracy progression can be used to support students to successfully engage with the numeracy demands of the Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum.


These support pages were produced using Strategic Partnership Program funding from the Department of Education and Training.

These support pages were produced using Strategic Partnership Program funding from the Department of Education and Training.