Great news for maths educators in Victoria!

Wednesday 1 March 2023

Great news for maths educators in Victoria!If you're a maths educator in Victoria who wants to enhance your skills and knowledge, we have exciting news! We're thrilled to announce that our online maths community has been officially launched to our group of testers.

The MAV Maths Educator Community offers a variety of features, such as discussion forums, blogs, resource sharing, professional development, and networking opportunities. The community is exclusively focused on Victorian maths educators' needs, allowing you to connect and collaborate in a meaningful way with people just like you working in primary, secondary or early childhood.

Our "Introduce Yourself" thread has been a hit among members, facilitating the sharing of backgrounds, experiences, and passions, and we invite new members to add to the discussion. We have already received many engaging posts, making this community the perfect platform for educators to connect and share, regardless of where in Victoria they are based.

We have created an Early Adopters Community for our testing group, where weekly tasks are posted so that our first members can test the platform's functionality and minimize risks before launching to the rest of the Victorian maths educator community very soon. Our MAV Education Consultants have actively posted introductions, welcomes, and blogs to our first community groups, which include All Members, Primary Educators, and Secondary Educators.

Once the testing phase is complete, we look forward to opening our doors to the rest of the Victorian maths educator community as well as more specific groups to cater to targeted needs and interests. This online maths community promises to connect like-minded educators and improve your teaching practice. We can't wait to see what the future holds for this exciting new platform. Stay tuned for further updates, and we look forward to seeing you there!”