Call for Options: Join Us at the MAV24 Annual Conference 2024!
The Mathematical Association of Victoria are excited to run the 61st annual conference on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 December 2024 and have opened the call for options to passionate and dynamic presenters.
The theme for MAV24 Annual Conference is 'Curriculum, Pedagogy and Beyond: Supporting Our Teachers and Students into the Future'.
Every student deserves the opportunity to develop strong numeracy skills, as well as a positive attitude towards mathematics, both of which are essential for future studies, careers and engagement in society. Achieving this goal requires a thoughtful approach that acknowledges the complexities of teaching and learning. Teachers and leaders are encouraged to explore evidence-based practices that promote effective numeracy and mathematics education. By implementing, assessing, and refining these strategies, they can better meet the individual needs of students in their particular school environment.
MAV is committed to teaching students numeracy and mathematics with a proficiency-rich focus, developing students to independently apply mathematics in their daily lives. Formative assessment must be integral of this approach, to be responsive to each student's needs as they progress. All students deserve to experience productive challenge, high quality learning experiences, and true engagement and enjoyment in mathematics.
We invite you to share your experiences and knowledge at MAV24.
Important Information:
- Call for Option Submission Deadline: 30 June 2024
- Notification of Acceptance: Mid to late July 2024
- Conference Dates: Thursday 5 and Friday 6 December 2024
Submitting your Option
All options will be reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers, using a point scale system, and they will be looking for the following information.
- Does the title effectively communicate the presentation's topic
- Is the option description summary relevant to the overall conference theme
- Does the option description summary clearly explain the presentation's content
- Does the option description summary clearly explain the selected sub-theme
- Are Key Takeaways provided
- Are the Key Takeaways relevant to the option description
- Is the option relevant to the selected level(s)
Call for Options have now closed for MAV24.