The Victorian Curriculum 2.0 positions various opportunities to teach and learn about finance in mathematics. Teachers will consider exciting possibilities to bring the curriculum to life through real world situations that help students to make connections between mathematics, humanities and digital technologies. Engage with high-quality learning tasks focused on a range of topical ideas, from buy now pay later to cryptocurrency. Experience effective strategies for supporting students to work together, including through the use of digital technologies that can facilitate a growing understanding of financial risk and financial planning. Consider implications for teaching and learning in your school setting.
Jill Brown and Carly Sawatzki are teacher educators and educational researchers in Deakin University’ School of Education. Jill’s research in the field of mathematical modelling and the use of digital technologies by teachers and students is internationally recognised. She is a member of the expert panel for the International Mathematical Modelling Challenge (IMMC), and a member of the Australian IMMC advisory team and judging panel. Carly supports teachers of mathematics to teach differently, by helping them to connect students’ classroom learning with the real world. Carly is internationally recognised for her thought leadership on young people’s financial education.
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